
Sai Orison Internet site is designed to provide our customers and consumers with information on Native Neem products. We hope you enjoy visiting our site and find the information useful.

All content on the Sai Orison website is checked for accuracy by a medical doctor and we are committed to providing high-quality information that is up to date and correct. Given the variable nature of nutritional information sources and research, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the material on our site. Users should, therefore, understand the following terms and conditions below.

The product information on the Sai Orison website is not suitable for health professionals advice and is for information purposes only. You should consult a physician if you have any health concerns or require health advice.

Neither Sai Orison, or any of its trade partners, shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages, costs or losses or liabilities whatsoever arising out of your access to, or use of, this site.

Everything on this site is provided to you ‘AS IS’. Neither Sai Orison nor any of its trade partners warrant the accuracy of any of the material contained in this site or that it fits any particular purpose. 

In addition, Sai Orison shall not be liable for any damages to, or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property, by reason of your use of, access to, or downloading of any material from, this site.

While any personal details sent to Sai Orison website will be kept private, any other information you communicate to Sai Orison through the internet, including any comment, suggestion, idea, graphics or question becomes and will remain our exclusive property with unrestricted rights to use it, without compensating you or anyone else for them. In addition, any such information will not have to be treated by us as confidential.