About Neem

What is Neem?
Neem (Azadirachta Indica) is a tree native to India. It grows in abundance and has been used for farming, human medicine and animal care for centuries. It is still considered the village pharmacy for many in India.
The leaves of the tree are formed into powder, which can be taken as tea or turned into paste with a slight mix of water and used for various skin applications.
The Neem seeds are churned and turned into oil which becomes the base ingredient for many natural agricultural products such as; Neem Insecticide, Neem Fertilizer. It is also the base ingredient for many medicinal health and beauty products such as: Neem Body Oil, Neem Hair and Body Wash, Neem Cream, Neem Soap and many more.
The Herbology of Neem
Scientics have so far identified and isolated more than 135 chemcial compounds from different parts of the Neem plant. They Include a class of organic chemcials called Isoprenoids. These fascinating naturally occurring chemicals include Terpenes, Diterpenoids and Triterpenoid compounds. They have various biological activities that make them useful as traditional herbal remedies as anti-septic, anti-neoplastic, anti-inflammatory, and insecticidal agents.
The major Neem compounds and their uses
Nimbin: Anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-histamine, anti-fungal,
Nimbidin: Anti-bacterial, anti-ulcer, analgesic, anti-arrhythmic, anti-fungal.
Nimbidol: Anti-tubercular, anti-protozoan, anti-pyretic
Gedunin: Vasodilator, anti-malaria, anti-fungal
Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA, Master Herbologist, | Book: Neem, Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity.
“The tree of the 21st Century”, United Nations